Is the UK best quality replica Panerai Radiomir PAM00210 still an appealing buy in 2024?
To answer this question, I think we should have a look at perfect replica Panerai’s current offerings. The Radiomir Officine PAM01383 is the most basic Radiomir, with a price of €5,000. The differences with cheap fake Panerai Radiomir PAM00210 are a blue sunburst dial, faux patina, a closed case back, a P.6000 caliber inside, and the lack of a sandwich dial. If you want a sandwich dial (unfortunately only available in versions with vignette dials and patinated cases), you have to move up to the Tre Giorni models at €7,200. That is a pretty steep jump for an incredibly similar watch with just a pre-aged case and a different dial texture.

Suddenly, the €4K average price of a pre-owned UK 1:1 replica Panerai PAM00210 doesn’t seem so daunting anymore. You get the original styling, a tank of a chronometer caliber, a sandwich dial, and no embellishments. Your mileage may vary, but to me, this is a very appealing proposition. Then again, I would say so, having already put my money where my mouth is.

For all the reasons above, I feel the Swiss movement copy Panerai Radiomir PAM00210 is a real sweet spot in today’s market. On a more personal note, I found it to be much more wearable than expected to boot. I have a 17cm wrist, but I don’t find the 45mm Panerai Radiomir replica for men overpowering at all. I would even go so far as to call it versatile. I fully expected to wear it on rare occasions only, but I find myself constantly reaching for it during the colder months when I wear leather straps.