Guillaume Néry Edition – Superb Replica Panerai Submersible Chronograph Watches

Guillaume Néry is champion of free diving from French. In this year’s Baselworld, Panerai pushed out new series – Submersible – that are all professional diving watches. In the following, I’d like to share you splendid watches fake Panerai Submersible Chronograph that are inspired from Guillaume Néry and pay a tribute to him and diving spirit.

The titanium fake watches have blue dials.

Titanium Fake Panerai Submersible Chronograph Watches

The sturdy copy watches in 47 mm are made from titanium an covered with DLC (diamond like carbon) coating. The water resistance is 300 meters. The watches have typical crowns and protection bridges and the black rubber straps are durable and comfortable and suitable for diving. The buttons are on the left that can ensure the precision of the watches. The non-directional black ceramic bezels can ensure the safety of the divers.

The 47 mm copy watches have black rubber straps.

Black Rubber Straps Copy Panerai Submersible Chronograph Watches

Except for the reliable performances, the elaborate replica Panerai watches have attractive appearances. They have gradient blue dials with white luminant hour marks and hands and chronograph sub-dials. The divers can always read the time clearly and easily in the deep. Besides, the gradient blue dials remind people of the glamorous ocean. On the backs, there are patterns of Guillaume Néry and his signature. The limited watches have only 15 pieces.